Pregnancy and Your Kidneys

Taking Care of Kidneys During Pregnancy

Our body goes through several physiological changes during pregnancy, and the kidney is no exception. During pregnancy, both sodium and water retention increases plasma volume. This increases the blood flow to the kidneys during pregnancy. When there is an increase in blood flow to the kidney, the filtration rate, also known as GFR, will increase up to about 50%. Blood …

Major Organs Affected by High Blood Pressure

5 Major Organs Affected by High Blood Pressure

We’ve all heard that high blood pressure is dangerous for your health. But why and how? What does it actually do to your body when your heart must work harder to pump blood effectively? Unfortunately, the consequences are not just confined to the heart. There are several major organs affected by high blood pressure.  #1 The Eyes Hypertension over long periods …

How Diabetes Affects Your Kidneys

How Diabetes Affects Your Kidneys

Although not all people with diabetes will experience kidney problems, having the disease does present a serious risk for developing diabetic nephropathy. That’s because diabetes creates complications that may affect your kidneys’ ability to do their job effectively. In fact, diabetes mellitus is the number one cause of chronic kidney disease in the US. Detecting if Diabetes Affects Your Kidneys …