Filling out these forms ahead of time will help save you time when you come in for your appointment.
Patient registration form
Please print out and complete the patient registration form so that we have all of your details ready before your first appointment
Health history form
Please print out and complete the patient health history form so that we can gain a better understanding of your health and past treatments
Cancellation Policy
Out of respect for our other patients, we consider any cancellation made less than 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment a short notice cancellation. If you do not keep a scheduled appointment and fail to notify us before 24 hours, we will impose a $25.00 charge against your account. Thank you for your cooperation. This will help us serve our patients promptly and efficiently.
Privacy Policy
Please read our Privacy Policy. In accordance with HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) & The California Online Privacy Protection Act, Dr. Gaytri Gandotra does not solicit or collect digital transmissions of private health information through Any protected patient health information gets collected by our physical office in written hard copy only.